Ten Ways to Pray
for the Persecuted Church

1. Pray our persecuted brothers and sisters in Christ will sense God's presence. Deuteronomy 31:6; Psalm 34:17-182.

2. Pray they will feel connected to the greater body of Christ. 1 Corinthians 12:20,26

3. Pray they will experience God’s comfort whenever family members are injured, imprisoned or even killed for their Christian witness. 2 Corinthians 1:3-5

4. Pray they will have the grace to love and forgive their persecutors. Matthew 5:44

5. Pray they will be protected and strengthened through the prayers of fellow believers around the world. Jude 20-25; Psalm 34:7

6Pray their ministry activities will remain undetected by authorities or others who wish to silence them. Acts 9:25

7. Pray they will rejoice even in the midst of suffering. Acts 5:41 

8. Pray they will be refreshed through the study of God’s Word, and thus further encouraged to grow strong in their faith. 2 Timothy 3:16-17

9. Pray they will have more opportunities to share the Gospel. Colossians 4:3

10. Pray for the boldness necessary to make Christ known, and for God's wisdom and direction as they endeavour to do so. Philippians 1:14; James 1:5

Prayer Resources Provided by Voice of the Martyrs Canada

Praying for the Persecuted Church from
Psalms and the Gospel of Matthew

Prayer Points from Psalms

  • They will know that the Heavenly Father defends the oppressed and the fatherless (Psalm 10:17-18).

  • They will rest in the knowledge that the Good Shepherd walks with them through this difficult time (Psalm 23).

  • God will protect the children who are left without their mothers' care, and that the mothers will have the joy of knowing the Lord is caring for them in their absence (Psalm 68:5).

  • Bereaved families will know God is the defender of widows and a Father to the fatherless (Psalm 68:5).

  • God will either judge or bring to repentance those who afflict His people (Psalm 83).

  • For the provision of Bibles and other Christian literature to reach the most remote and needy areas where they are in the shortest supply (Psalm 119:42-43).

  • God would bring verses of Scripture to mind that will comfort them (Psalm 119:49-56).

  • God will bring about justice in an unjust world (Psalm 140).

Prayer points from Matthew

  • They will be enabled to rejoice in the fact that theirs is the kingdom of heaven (Matthew 5:10).

  • Their passion for Christ will be the light that draws others to Jesus (Matthew 5:14-16).

  • They will exemplify the love of God through consistent love and prayer for those who persecute them (Matthew 5:43-48).

  • They will rely on the Lord to give them the words to say when they stand before accusing authorities (Matthew 10:19).