"Lord, I have heard of Your fame;
I stand in awe of Your deeds, Lord.
Repeat them in our day
in our time make them known;
in wrath remember mercy."
Habakkuk 3:2 (NIV)
February 2025 Prayer Points
- Praise God for the many people and organizations who are actively on mission, locally and globally. Pray for God’s favor in making disciples, teaching and serving in the name of Jesus. Pray for a fresh movement of the Spirit around the world as many respond to the gospel.
- Thank God for the opportunity to co-host Gather25 with Immanual Fellowship at Albright. Pray for wide participation and many volunteers who will serve in various areas to make this a successful event. Pray for positive responses to invitations to attend and for transformation in many lives.
- Praise the Lord for those who are living for Jesus in difficult and dangerous contexts around the world. Pray for the persecuted church to remain strong and courageous in the face of opposition. Pray God would grow the church as believers respond to the call to go and make disciples.
- Thank God for Albright’s partnership with the community in Gens de Nantes, Haiti. Pray for God’s hand of blessing upon the medical clinic, school, church and wider community. Pray for God to multiply resources and to strengthen believers in the work of reconciliation and healing where there is much corruption and strife.