Prayer Life

Sunday, February 26, 2023

God's Call To Pray
Father, thank you for calling me to a life of prayer, despite my resistance. Thank you that you know the desire of my heart and the weaknesses of my body. Thank you that you never give up praying for me and calling me to join you.
Thank you for facing the battle for my sin with courage, honesty and grace. Thank you for pouring out your heart and for humbly asking for prayer. Forgive me that I, like the disciples, do not always respond. Yet you died and rose again for me!
Thank you Jesus for breaking through on my behalf and overcoming in the battle for my soul. Thank you for your salvation and for your call to partner with you in prayer. Empower me to break through to the place, where in my weakness, I am afraid to go in prayer, for and with others. Come Holy Spirit.


God calls us to partner with Him in prayer to see His Kingdom come and His will be done. Here are some things that Scripture tells us that we should pray for:  
  • Those in authority. (1 Tim 2:1-2) 
  • The City where you live. (Jeremiah 29:7) 
  • Fellow believers. (Ephesians 6:18) 
  • For other missionaries. (Ephesians 6:19) 
  • The Nations. (Matthew 28:19, Romans 10:1) 
  • Those who are not yet believers. (1 Tim 2:3-4) 
  • For witnesses to be sent into the world. (Matthew 9:37-38) 
  • For our enemies and those against us. (Matthew 5:44) 
  • For our spiritual leaders. (Hebrews 13:17-18) 
  • For those in need, sick, burdened, grieving and weary. (Galatians 6:2) 
  • For those in prison and the persecuted. (Hebrews 13:3) 
  • For marriages (Hebrews 13:4), families and children. (Luke 18:15-17) 
  • For your church family: for unity and peace. (John 17:20-23) 
  • For the ministry of God’s word and its impact on lives. (Matthew 13:23) 

Sunday, February 19, 2023

Kingdom Partnership
Father God, forgive me for trying to control you to do my will and build my kingdom. I trust alone in personal Jesus who laid down His life for me that I might live.
I accept your commission to enter into partnership with you, to see your kingdom come and your will be done. I accept the call to battle in prayer and with others to fight against the enemy of my soul and for the life and freedom of others.
Thank you for the truth that because Christ has overcome, I will overcome with Him. Protect me in your armour and give me courage to speak your words to those caught up in a spiritual battle.

Sunday, February 12, 2023

Constant Conversation
Father, thank you for inviting me into the greatest relationship that I will ever have. I accept your invitation to a restored conversation with you. Forgive me for trying to live my life without listening to you. Speak Lord for your servant is listening! Help me to pray in alignment with your word and your will.
Teach me how to pray and what to pray for with a humble, surrendered heart. Help me to see others through your eyes and show me how I can pray for others according to your will. I pledge to walk with you and listen to you for the rest of my life on earth and forever in your kingdom.

Sunday, February 5, 2023

The Cry of the Heart
Father, thank you for your gracious compassion to hear the cry of my heart. Help me to come to you with all of my emotions before anyone else. Thank you that you rule over my emotions and that you give grace to help in my time of need.
Help me to move from fear to faith and to trust in you as the rock that is higher than I. Help me to close the back release valve of toxic thinking and to choose to be refreshed by your life in me every day.

Sunday, January 29, 2023

Life Changing Power
Father, thank you that you know me better than I know myself. You created me in my mother’s womb and I am on your mind. You know all the self-comfort idols in my life that I run to when I am hurt and wounded. Today, Father, I choose you. I choose you over hate and resentment, bitterness and revenge.
I come to you with all of my raw emotions and pain. I come to you with my grievances and my grief. Search me God and know my heart. Test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me and lead me in the way everlasting. Heal me and change me every day as I choose to come to you. In Jesus name, I pray.

Sunday, January 22, 2023

Awe and Intimacy 
Father God, thank you for revealing yourself to me through your Son, Jesus. Thank you for being willing to be found. Thank you for inviting me to a life of intimacy with you. Forgive me for my sin and for a life of hiding from you. Give me the desire to know you more and to live for your glory.
Open my eyes to see you in all of your greatness and glory. Help me to live in awe of you as the one who holds all things in His hands. Thank you for your plans for me. I surrender all of my ambitions, hopes and plans into your hands. May your Kingdom come and your will be done in me and through me. I worship you alone.

Sunday, January 15, 2023

Your Breath In Our Lungs
Father God, thank you for your breath in my lungs. Thank you for bringing me into new life with you as my heavenly father. Teach me how to pray in every season about everything so that I may grow to be more like Jesus. Help me to be disciplined to pray and give me the desire to pray wherever I am and whatever I am doing. In Jesus’ name, I pray.