Sundays This Month

This Month on Sunday Mornings:

Preschool Praisers and Kids Konnection are going through...
People love camping, and for good reason! You can take in nature, practice special skills, or just take time to relax in a new environment. And when it comes to camping, both John the Baptist and Jesus experienced times in the wilderness. In this series, kids will hear about John the Baptist’s special role in preparing the way for Jesus and about how Jesus prepared for His ministry. Kids will learn that they can indeed believe in God, and believe that God gives us purpose, God speaks to us, God is powerful, and that God’s words are true.

We hope you'll join us!

Conversation Starters:

for families to help their kids grow at home


The Bible:  Mark 1:1-8 (John Prepares the Way)

Preschool Big Question:  Who can we believe in? God!

Elementary Big Idea:  I believe God gives me purpose!
What was John the Baptist’s purpose?
How do you feel knowing God gives you purpose?
What’s something you can do for the purpose of pointing others to Jesus?


The Bible:  Luke 3:2-3, 21-22 (The Baptism of Jesus)

Preschool Big Question:  Who can we believe in? God!

Elementary Big Idea:  I believe God speaks to me!
What are some ways that God speaks to us? How can you know God is speaking to you?
What are some things you can do to listen for God’s voice every day?
What might God be saying to you?


The Bible:  Matthew 4:1-11 (Jesus in the Wilderness)

Preschool Big Question:  Who can we believe in? God!

Elementary Big Idea:  I believe God is powerful!
Why do you think Jesus used God’s words to fight the devil?
When are you tempted to disobey God?
How can you trust God’s power to fight against your temptations?


The Bible:  Luke 4:14-30 (Jesus Rejected at Nazareth)

Preschool Big Question:  Who can we believe in? God!

Elementary Big Idea:  I believe God’s words are true!
How would you describe God’s words to someone who’s never heard them?
What can you do to learn more of God’s words?
Who are some people you can trust to show you what’s true?


Memory Verse Sign Language:

for families to learn this month's memory verse together at home

This Months Memory Verse Sign Language - Video
Click the video to view the sign language.

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